How to Restrict Access to Electronic Documents

You should ensure that your sensitive files and confidential business proposals, as and personal information of customers and employees is kept safe. It is vital to ensure they are not accessible to anyone except those who have been granted access to them. They should also be protected from being printed, copied, or modified.

Ideally, you should utilize a document management system to help with restrict access to electronic documents. A solid document management system will have audit trails and monitors to identify suspicious activity. It will also stop non-authorized parties from using passwords and usernames of the firm to gain access to sensitive areas or private email accounts. This will stop them from copying and disseminating your protected files on USB devices to unauthorized locations.

If you want to limit access to a particular document you can click the Permissions button. You can select from a menu of access levels. You could, for instance, give Ranjit permission to read a particular document but not to modify it. If you’ve done this the document will show with a message that it is managed by rights and it requires permission to access it.

In submitting a request to obtain a seal or shield that you can limit access to the entire case in which a document is. If the court approves your request that all documents filed within that case will be kept secret until you decide to open them.

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